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No introduction.Mozilla Firefox is a free, open-source web browser developed by Mozilla. It was created in 2002 under the codename "Phoenix" by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross, software developers working for the Netscape Communications Corporation (now part of AOL). Mozilla Firefox includes an integrated pop-up blocker, tabbed browsing, live bookmarks, built-in search engine and support for HTML5 and CSS3 web standards.There are also extensions that you can install on top of your browser to personalize your experience further. One of these that I use regularly is the Ghostery extension which detects trackers embedded into each website that advertisers might use to follow you as you browse the internet. Mozilla Firefox is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like systems such as Solaris and FreeBSD. It is possible to download a version of the browser for Android, but it lacks some features. There are also unofficial builds available for iOS. Mozilla applications are cross-platform in that they are almost identical on most platforms. According to the official website, the current desktop version is Firefox 54.0 , released on April 19, 2017.Chrome was created by Google engineer Brendan Eich in September 2008, together with an internal team at Google for testing purposes. It was made available for public beta testing in mid-2008, and released in September 2008. The browser's source code is hosted on Google Code. These other platforms include: Chrome/Chromium for Android, Chrome OS and Google TV; Chrome for Windows Phone; Chromium OS (which can be compiled by anyone); and starting with the release of Chrome 16, GNU/Linux. It uses WebKit as its rendering engine.Google has also developed a different version of the browser that may be included with devices that meet certain technical requirements and that may gather information about users' browsing habits to serve advertisements: this version is called "Chromium". Chromium/Chrome OS is not technically a different browser but an operating system that runs the Chrome browser (and other Google-provided software), and across which Google can synchronize user data across its various products.Firefox OS is a mobile operating system, first shipped in 2013. It uses Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine as well as webkit web views. It has been available for sale since November 2012 through different carriers including Telefonica. An open version of Firefox OS called Boot to Gecko was released on June 12, 2016 to developers, followed by the first smartphones running the OS on July 24, 2017. Internet Explorer is a web browser developed by Microsoft and included as a part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. Unlike other earlier web browsers, the Internet Explorer rendering engine uses a system known as "layout engine" which renders pages in a non-standard way so that they appear exactly as intended. In most cases, this is intended to eliminate the quirks of different browsers on different operating systems, although with Internet Explorer 7 it was changed so that there would be no differences from any other browser. Internet Explorer relies on its own proprietary rendering engine for most text elements, called Trident or MSHTML, but for advanced features such as graphics and layout it uses Document Object Model (DOM) implemented in software through Windows API calls.
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